Join us
There are two categories of Membership – Full Membership and Affiliate Membership.
Full Membership is open to all 501(c)(3) statewide park foundations or statewide friends’ groups. Members have full voting rights, are eligible for election to the board of directors and to stand as officers. The annual membership fee is $300.
Affiliate Membership is open to non-commercial and commercial members. Affiliate Members are non-voting and must be approved by the Membership Committee.
Non-commercial affiliate membership is open to individuals and 501(c)(3) organizations that have some part of its mission to support state parks or are non- 501(c)(3) statewide organizations tasked with supporting their state’s park system. The annual membership fee is $200.
Commercial affiliate membership is open to all corporate entities and other commercial organizations that wish to support the work of the Foundation. The annual membership is $500.